1956 – год возникновения отечественного судопроизводства по делам об административных правонарушениях
Проводится исторический экскурс о возникновении в РСФСР административной ответственности и судебного порядка привлечения к ней. Автор утверждает, что исторически отечественное судебное производство по делам об административных правонарушениях возникло не как типичная юрисдикционная деятельность, а представило собой самостоятельную процессуальную форму административной юстиции.
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Anokhin K. About working with people's judges // Socialist legality. 1950. No. 5. P. 42–43.
Artyshkov V. The fight against hooliganism // Socialist legality. 1956. No. 5.
Baynaev Kh., Aniyants M. The best people's judges of the Turkmen SSR // Socialist legality. 1951. No. 12.
Baranov N. How to unload the cells of people's courts // Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1927. No. 37.
Baryshev A. Judicial practice in civil cases of forest violations // Socialist legality. 1952. No. 7.
Bezuglov A., Lai P. In the Karelo-Finnish SSR they struggle poorly with hooliganism // Socialist legality. 1956. No. 1.
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Vaisman E. Resolutely fight against petty hooliganism // Socialist legality. 1957. No. 8.
Vlasov V., Rubinstein E. Errors in judicial practice in cases of collection of arrears for agricultural supplies // Socialist legality. 1951. No. 8.
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Voronkin V. Best bailiff of the Novosibirsk region // Socialist legality. 1950. No. 10.
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Grishin. Review the current procedure for collecting tax arrears // Socialist legality. 1955. No. 6.
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Komlev A. Socialist competition of bailiffs in the Gorky region // Socialist legality. 1950. No. 10.
Kondratyeva T. At the post of people's judge // Socialist legality. 1950. No. 10.
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Kudrin F. Decisively strengthen the fight against hooliganism // Socialist legality. 1952. No. 10.
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Polyanskaya G. N. Legal protection of forests in the USSR // Soviet State and Law. 1955. No. 7.
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Puzakov G. Administrative consideration of cases of violation of the rules for recording those liable for military service // Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1927. No. 38.
Radontsev A. End the condescending attitude towards hooligans // Socialist legality. 1955. No. 9.
Rudenko R. A. Tasks of further strengthening social legality // Soviet State and Law. 1956. No. 3
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