Editorial Board


Aleksandr A. SIROTA

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on the development of the methodology for synthesising and assessing the effectiveness of distributed systems for collecting and processing of information in the situation of conflict of information systems. The main results of the studies are presented in two monographs: Obrabotka informacii v prostranstvenno-raspredelennyh sistemah radiomonitoringa: statisticheskij i nejrosetevoj podhody [Information processing in space-distributed radiomonitoring systems: statistical and neural network approaches]. 2012, Moscow, FIZMALIT, 244 p. (in Russian); and Teoreticheskie osnovy radiojelektronnoj razvedki [Theory of signals intelligence]. 2004, Moscow, Radiotekhnika, 432 p. (in Russian). Their scientific interests include: synthesis and analysis of systems for collecting and processing information; methods and technologies of computer modelling of information processes and systems; computer processing of images; neural networks and neural network technologies used in decision-making systems.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00 and include the following: fuzzy modelling and control, including the analysis of the algebraic properties of fuzzy operations and development of recommendations on the way they can be used in applications; modelling of goal-oriented systems, including multi-goal systems; methods of processing and aggregation of information of various types in applications; development of intelligent information systems.

Executive Secretary

Veronika V. GARSHINA

Candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Voronezh State University)


Members of the Editorial Board

Mikhail A. ARTEMOV

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their spheres of research include methods of data processing and storage with regard to the problem of the analysis of the quality of road pavement; problems of the implementation of self-adapting associative data containers; text analysis systems; and algorithms of search indexing (Potapov D. R., Artemov M. A., Baranovskiy E. S., Seleznev K. E. (2017) Obzor metodov postroenija kontejnerov dannyh “kljuch-znachenie” dlja ispol'zovanija v samoadaptirujushhihsja kontejnerah dannyh [An overview of the existing methods for constructing key-value data containers to be used in self-adapting data containers]. Kibernetika i programmirovanie. (5) 14-45. (in Russian); Artemov M. A., Babkin S. V., Baranovskiy E. S. (2016) Obrabotka dannyh pri analize kachestva dorozhnogo pokrytija [Data processing in the analysis of the quality of pavement]. Sovremennye naukoemkie tekhnologii. 5(2) 215-219. (in Russian)).

Anatoly A. BURENIN

Corresponding Member of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Engineering and Metallurgy of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


A. A. Burenin is a renowned expert in solid mechanics and an Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He suggested a theory of finite elastic-plastic deformation based on a new approach to the definition of temporary and permanent deformation. According to this approach, deformations are divided into elastic and plastic using convection–diffusion equations rather than algebraic relations. Burenin also studied the characteristics of discontinuous surface deformations, solved a number of automodelling problems concerning the interaction of shock waves both with each other and with obstacles during high-speed collision of deformed bodies, and developed approximate methods for non-automodel solutions to these problems. Their key research works focus on using mathematical modelling, numerical methods, and programme systems to solve scientific and technical problems. The results are presented in the monograph Uprugie jeffekty pri intensivnom neobratimom deformirovanii [Elastic effects occurring during intense permanent deformation], Federal Agency for Education, Far Eastern State Technical University, Series: Scientific book. (in Russian)). They are the author of over 80 research papers.


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh state agricultural University named after Emperor Peter the great)


Their key research works focus on the development of a methodology and mathematical models for the system analysis of social and economic systems. The main results are presented in the following works: Bukhovets A. G. (2005) The system approach and rank distributions in the classification problems. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Economics and Management. (1) 130-142. (in Russian); Bukhovets A. G. (2006) Classification problem as a task of system analysis. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Systems analysis and information technologies. (1). (in Russian); Bukhovets A. G, Bukhovets. E.A. (2012) Modeling of fractal data structures. Automation and Remote Control, 73(2); Buchovets A. G., Moskalev P.V. (2018) Ultrametric properties of the attractor spaces for random iterated linear function systems. Journal of Physics Conference Series 973(1): 012028. Their scientific interests include: design and analysis of mathematical models of cluster structures for system analysis in social, economic, and other spheres.


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their main areas of research include computer modelling of linguistic objects and natural language processing. The key results of the research are presented in a doctoral dissertation (Structural analysis and computer modelling of linguistic environment of information resources, speciality 05.13.17, 2013) and two monographs. They are the author of over 100 research papers. Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 16-37 “Developing methods and algorithms for the analysis of the emotional tonality of a text based on sentence diagramming”.


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Tambov State Technical University)


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on the modelling and control of information systems of complex objects. The main results are presented in the following monographs: Jenergosberegajushhie informacionno-upravljajushhie sistemy ob’ektami maloj jenergetiki [Energy saving information control systems for small-scale power generation enterprises], 2010. Moscow, Nauchtekhlitizdat, 208 p. (in Russian); Metody analiza informacionnyh sistem [Methods of analysis of information systems], 2012. Tambov, MINTS Nobelistika, 220 p. (in Russian); Metodologija distancionnoj ocenki prostranstvennyh raspredelenij optiko-teplofizicheskih parametrov ob#ektov, zamaskirovannyh pod poverhnost'ju grunta [A methodology for the remote assessment of positional relation of optical and thermophysical properties of objects camouflaged under the subsoil surface], 2014. Moscow, Nauchtekhlitizdat, 284p. (in Russian). Their scientific interests include intelligent information systems, modelling and management of complex objects.


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre)


Felix Ereshko is a renowned Russian researcher specialising in applied mathematics and system analysis. Key areas of research: design of mathematical models of various objects taking into account conflict situations and generation of compromise solutions; theory of hierarchical games; theory of organizational systems management; financial engineering, including design, development, and implementation of innovative financial tools and processes. The main results are presented in the following works: Eroshko F. I. (2001) Modelirovanie refleksivnyh strategij v upravljaemyh sistemah [Modelling of reflexive strategies in controlled systems]. Moscow, VTs RAN. (in Russian); Eroshko F. I., Sytov A. N. (2012) A multicriterion problem of determining a bank’s credit policy. In: Control over the development of large-scale systems: Proceedings of the international conference, 1-3 October 2012. Moscow, Russia. (in Russian); Eroshko F. I. (2017) The theory of hierarchical games and application for law-making process in digital society. Computational nanotechnolgy, (2) 52–58. (in Russian).


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Vladimir Zadorozhniy is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key areas of research include the study of the effect of random factors on the behaviour of complex systems using information technologies; development of asymptotic methods for studying nonlinear oscillations and methods for the assessment of the behaviour of systems susceptible to the influence of random factors; development of mathematical methods and programmes for optimal control over petrol pyrolysis and studies of differential equations with variational derivatives. Vladimir Zadorozhniy developed a method for determining the moment functions of solutions of differential equations, whose coefficients are random processes. He also suggested a solution to the inverse problems of variational calculus for systems of ordinary differential equations and second order partial differential equations. Monographs: Metody variacionnogo analiza [Methods of variance analysis]. 2006, Moscow, Izhevsk, RKhD, 316 p. (in Russian); Differencial'nye uravnenija s variacionnymi proizvodnymi [Differential equations with variational derivatives]. 2000, Voronezh, VSU, 368 p. (in Russian).


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on: quantum information theory and quantum computing, quantum computers and quantum information theory; mathematical and computer modelling, including in the sphere of nanotechnologies; sound and video image recognition. They are the author of over 400 research papers.

Alexey A. KRETOV

Doctor of Philology, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Alexey Kretov is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.17. Their key research works focus on the analysis and synthesis of linguistic units. The main results are presented in the following works: Analysis of the semantic labels in the Russian National Corpus (2006-2008); Plungyan B.A. (Ed.) (2009) Novye rezul'taty i perspektivy [New results and prospects]. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya, 240-257. (In Russian); Kretov A. A., Voevudskaya O. M., Merkulova I. A., Titov V. T. (2016) Edinstvo Evropy po dannym leksiki : monografija [The unity of Europe according to vocabulary: monograph]. Voronezh, VSU Publishing House, 412 p. (in Russian). Their scientific interests include: synthesis and analysis of linguistic units of various levels (from phonetics to syntax); analysis and synthesis of texts in natural languages; design and creation of linguistic databases. They are the author of over 400 research papers.


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Sergey Kurgalin is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their scientific interests include: studying the processes of information creation, accumulation, and processing; studying the methods of information conversion into data; design and analysis of information models and data models; studying the principles of design and functioning of software. They are the author of over 500 research papers.


Doctor of Technical Sciencies, Professor, Head of the Department of automated and computer systems (Voronezh State Technical University)


Semen Podvalny is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on: theoretical assumption and development of the idea of multi-alternative control over open systems of complex dynamic objects; the methodology of mathematical modelling and control over dynamic objects and systems (especially in the petrochemical industry); synthesis and evaluation of the effectiveness of information, control and computation systems for collecting and processing of information in the situation of the monitoring of distributed objects. Their scientific interests include: synthesis and analysis of systems for collecting and processing of information; methods and technologies of computer modelling of dynamic objects and systems; visualisation and computer processing of images; neural networks and neural network technologies used in decision-making systems. They are the author of over 500 research papers.


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)


Valery Menshikh is the founder and head of the scientific school “Mathematical modelling and numerical methods for the study and optimisation of mission critical systems”. Their research interests lie within the speciality group 05.13.00 – mathematical models of control and security systems, discrete mathematics, general algebra, algebraic graph theory, study of the Coxeter and Weyl groups, mathematical modelling of management systems, conflict theory, scheduling theory, and fuzzy sets theory. They are the author of over 300 research papers.


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))


Their scientific interests are within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on system analysis and control; synthesis and analysis of the systems for information collection and processing; methods and technologies of computer modelling of information processes and systems. Their main results are presented in the paper by Lebedev G. N., Mikhailin D. A., Roumakina A. V. (2016) Non-measurable flight parameters multi-stage identification while on-board measuring tools’ signals complexing. Trudy Mai, (91). (In Russian), They are the author of over 300 research papers.


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their key research works focus on the following spheres of the speciality group 05.13.00: system programming; compilers, interpreters (1978-1983); production expert systems – theory and implementation (1991-2001); theory of informatics; algebraic systems based on arrays and their application in the problems of artificial intelligence (2001- …). Sergey Makhortov introduced and studied a new class of algebraic systems (LP-structures) applied in various areas of informatics and programming. Based on this theory, Sergey Makhortov obtained a number of practical results, the key ones including the following: a methodology for the verification and optimisation of knowledge in production systems and term rewriting systems; a new method of backward chaining which minimises the need of external storage medium; a new method of refactoring in object-oriented programming.

Mikhail G. MATVEEV

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Mikhail Matveev is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on the development of information technologies for decision support and management under stochastic and fuzzy uncertainty. Their scientific interests include: synthesis and analysis of the models and methods of optimal choice and management in technical, organisational and technological, and social and economic systems, using cognitive information technologies: fuzzy calculations, fuzzy logic, and nature-inspired algorithms. The results of the research are presented in three monographs and three study guides recommended by the educational and methodological association. They are the author of 200 research papers.


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences)


Boris Sokolov is a renowned scientist who founded a new scientific subdivision in the sphere of the automation of control processes for complex man-made objects, based on a comprehensive description and analysis of the processes of adaptive structural-functional synthesis and control over the development of self-organising information systems in mission critical applications. The results of the research works (R&D projects) were implemented by a number of defence industry enterprises specialising in manufacturing space and missile technology, by troop units and leading higher education institutions (civil and military) of the Russian Federation and USSR in order to design mathematical and software support for planning and managing the functioning of aerospace systems incorporated in the GLONASS, Globus, Stroi, and Buran systems. They are the author of 3 study guides, 2 monographs, and over 270 scientific papers.

Nickolay N. TOLSTYKH

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (JSC Concern Constellation)


Nikolay Tolstykh is a renowned scientist conducting his studies in the speciality group 05.13.00. Namely, he works on the theory of conflict interactions between information and information control systems of various purposes. Their key research works focus on the development of a methodology for the analysis and assessment of the functioning of information and communication systems in the situation of information conflict. Nikolay Tolstykh is also known for his studies carried out to determine the conceptual basis of sources and causes of conflicts in automatic and automated management systems, as well as formation principles and functioning algorithms of information influence.

Nikolay Tolstykh is the founder and head of the scientific school “Methods of the information confrontation in information and communication systems of special purposes or mission critical applications”. They are the author of 430 scientific papers.

Alexander I. SHASHKIN

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Voronezh State University)


Their key research works focus on the application of mathematical modelling, numerical methods, and programme systems to solve scientific and technical problems. The main results are presented in the following monographs: Ustojchivost' ravnovesija prostranstvennyh tel i zadachi mehaniki gornyh porod [Equilibrium stability of space bodies and problems of rock mechanics]. 2004, Moscow, FIZMALIT, 232. (in Russian); Modelirovanie processov vakuum-sublimacionnoj sushki materialov s razvitoj poverhnost'ju teplo- i massoobmena i s razlichnymi istochnikami jenergopodvoda [Modelling of vacuum sublimation drying of materials with developed surfaces of heat and mass transfer and with various sources of energy]. 2011, Voronezh, Voronezh State Technical Academy, 168 p. (in Russian); Zarozhdenie i dvizhenie vershin treshhin za frontami uprugovjazkoplasticheskih voln [Origin of crack tips and their movement after the elastic-viscoplastic front waves]. 2017, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Kvarta, 124 p. (in Russian).


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (“GNII PTZI FSTEC of Russia”)


Yury Yazov is known for his studies in information security and information confrontation. Their scientific interests include: technical information security; security audit for systems and programme code; testing, analysis, and compliance assessment (Yazov Yu. K., Funtikov V. A., et al. (2012) Nejrosetevaja zashhita personal'nyh biometricheskih dannyh [Neural network security system for personal biometric data]). Radiotekhnika, 160 p. (in Russian).). They are the author of over 100 research papers.

Foreign Members of the Editorial Board


Associate Professor (University Pierre Mendes-France, Grenoble II)


Their key research areas include: human-computer interaction systems; usability analysis of software interfaces; intelligent information systems; design of decision support systems; computer learning systems; multiagent systems. The main results are presented in the following works: Michelet, S., Luengo, V., Adam, J.-M., Mandran, N. (2014)Diagnosing knowledge using learning activity traces generated by various problem-solving modalities. International Journal of Learning Technology; Dupre, D., Akpan, D., Elias, E., (...), Dubois, M., Tcherkassof, A. Oudjat (2015) A configurable and usable annotation tool for the study of facial expressions of emotion. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. Supervisor of TEMPUS and ERASMUS international projects. The author of over 100 research papers.


Dr., Prof (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg Faculty of Natural Science II Institute of Mathematics Halle)


Wilfried Grecksch is known for his works within the speciality group 05.13.00. Their key research works focus on the study of stochastic differential equations and the theory of optimal control over systems with random coefficients; the probability theory, and the statistics employing information technologies. The results are presented in a monograph Stochastic evolution equations – a Hilbert space approach. 1995, (with C. Tudor) Mathematical Research, vol, 85, Academic Verlag, Berlin, 178p. They are the author of over 200 research papers.


Dr., Prof. (University of Münster Mitglied der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)


Their key research interests include the development and assessment of new modelling methods; practical application of the methods of the business value formation at companies and state enterprises. Their research interests include: Services Sciences, Management, and Engineering (SSME), electronic government, and retail/wholesale trade. The research is conducted within the framework of the European Research Centre for Information Systems. The projects focus on information systems, informatics, and business administration (monographs: Becker, J., Greger Vanessa, Heger, O., Jahn, K., Krcmar, H., Müller, H., Niehaves, B., Ogonek, N., Räckers, M., Schuppan, T., & Zepic, R. (2016) E-Government-Kompetenz. Studie im Auftrag der Arbeitsgruppe. E-Government-Kompetenz des IT-Planungsrat. Berlin.; Becker, J., Niehaves, B., Pöppelbuß, J., Ortbach, K., Plattfaut, R., Voigt, M., & Malsbender, A. (2015). Service Design — Mit der Quadromo-Methode von der Idee zum Konzept. Springer Gabler, etc.). They are the author of over 500 research papers.


Ph.D. in Computing Sciences and Engineering (СStanford University)


Their scientific interests include: studying business processes; introduction of information systems; product lifecycle management; integration and creation of a uniform information space at an enterprise; knowledge management at an enterprise (Becker, J., Kozyrev, O., Babkin, E., Taratukhin, V., & Aseeva, N. (Eds.) (2016). Emerging Trends in Information Systems — Recent Innovations, Results an Experiences. Heidelberg: Springer). They are the author of over 100 research papers, including 18 papers indexed in Scopus, and 7 papers indexed in WoS. They are a member of the following international organisations: AAAS, IEEE, British Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM, the USA). They are a permanent member and expert of the international workgroup WG 5.8 (Enterprise Interoperability) of the International Federation for Information Processing - IFIP.