Waste sorting as the main direction of waste management: modern condition and perspectives of development in Russia

  • Яна Сергеевна Игнатова State University of Management
  • Александра Витальевна Малькова State University of Management
Keywords: waste management, waste recycling, waste transportation, Moscow region waste recycling complexes, official representative of a German company HUSMANN GmbH


Purpose: аctualisation of waste sorting problem as the main element of the waste treatment system on the way to development of eco safety and natural resources conservation. Development of a waste transportation management scheme in Russia using western experience. Discussion: the article concentrates on the main ways and stages of the waste processing. The paper contains the analysis of the domestic experience in waste processing and achievements in techniques and technology in this sphere. Results: аfter the research authors found out strengths and weaknesses of the waste recycling industry in Russia and develop a waste management transportation scheme. Also, there are offers and recommendations about its development.


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How to Cite
Игнатова, Я. С., & Малькова, А. В. (2020). Waste sorting as the main direction of waste management: modern condition and perspectives of development in Russia. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 82-91. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.9/2431
Public Economics