Artificial intelligence: problems of application in the integration of sustainable development factors into a merger and acquisition performance analysis model

  • Darya A. Koroleva Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: deep learning, machine learning, analysis, efficiency, mergers and acquisitions, non-financial risks, ESG


Importance: the development of artificial intelligence and its application in investment analysis contributes to the inclusion of non-financial risks in the analysis of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions. Purpose: to study the possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies in mergers and acquisitions and identify problematic aspects when integrating sustainable development factors into the analysis of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions. Research design: the research is conducted in the form of an analytical and systematic review of the literature based on the scientific databases of ScienceDirect, Business Source Premier, Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE, Google Scholar, using keywords such as mergers and acquisitions, performance analysis, risk, uncertainty , risk analysis, qualitative risk assessments, sustainability factors, artificial intelligence and neural networks. Results: the author identified and described the problematic aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions in the integration of sustainable development factors. The results of this study systematize the ideas developed by the scientific community on the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions.


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Author Biography

Darya A. Koroleva, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

graduate student, senior lecturer


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How to Cite
Koroleva, D. A. (2022). Artificial intelligence: problems of application in the integration of sustainable development factors into a merger and acquisition performance analysis model. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 8-19.
Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics