On prospects for reducing energy deficiency in the Republic of Dagestan

  • Amir A. Azizov Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS)
  • Artur B. Alibekov Project office for the development of RES under the Ministry of Energy and Tariffs of the Republic of Dagestan; EcoEnergy Group
  • Idrisgadzhi A. Magomedov Project office for the development of RES under the Ministry of Energy and Tariffs of the Republic of Dagestan; Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (IGVIE NRU MPEI)
  • Tamila D. Alikerimova Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS); Dagestan State University (DSU)
  • Said A. Ninalalov Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS); Dagestan State University (DSU)
  • Murtazali K. Rabadanov Dagestan State University (DSU)
Keywords: electricity consumption, renewable energy sources, energy deficit, socio-economic development strategy


Importance: since the mid-90s of the last century, energy consumption in the Republic of Dagestan has exceeded the volume of electricity generation. To implement the developed programs and forecasts of socio-economic development, it is necessary to achieve energy independence. Purpose: econometric modeling of the volume of electricity consumption and generation, taking into account the commissioning of new capacities of renewable energy sources (RES) and analysis of the conditions under which the energy deficit in the region can be reduced to zero. Research design: the authors consider statistical data on electricity consumption in the Republic of Dagestan in 2000-2022, draw conclusions about the reasons for the abnormal growth in electricity consumption in 2021-2022, and propose regression equations for calculating the volume of consumption in both cases – with and without taking into account abrupt changes trend. The paper presents data on power generation in the region from 2000 to 2022, and gives a generation forecast for 2022-2035, taking into account the RES introduced in Dagestan under the program of power connection agreements (CDA). Results: the authors show that the renewable energy program implemented in the Republic of Dagestan from 2022 to 2032 will significantly reduce the energy deficit in the region, but to reset it, a revision of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the region until 2030 is required.


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Author Biographies

Amir A. Azizov , Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS)

Leading Specialist of the Energy Laboratory

Artur B. Alibekov , Project office for the development of RES under the Ministry of Energy and Tariffs of the Republic of Dagestan; EcoEnergy Group

Head, General Director

Idrisgadzhi A. Magomedov, Project office for the development of RES under the Ministry of Energy and Tariffs of the Republic of Dagestan; Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (IGVIE NRU MPEI)

coordinator, graduate

Tamila D. Alikerimova, Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS); Dagestan State University (DSU)

graduate student, senior

Said A. Ninalalov , Institute for Problems of Geothermy and Renewable Energy – Branch of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGVE JIHT RAS); Dagestan State University (DSU)

Ph.D., Leading Researcher Energy Laboratory, Assoc. Prof., Department of Engineering Physics

Murtazali K. Rabadanov, Dagestan State University (DSU)

Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Prof., Rector


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How to Cite
Azizov , A. A., Alibekov , A. B., Magomedov, I. A., Alikerimova, T. D., Ninalalov , S. A., & Rabadanov, M. K. (2022). On prospects for reducing energy deficiency in the Republic of Dagestan. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 30-43. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps/2078-9017/2022/11/30-43
Regional Economics