Standardization of certification and confirmation of ESG reporting in the Russian Federation

  • Dmitrii A. Endovitsky Voronezh State University
  • Anastasija A. Sukhareva Voronezh State University
Keywords: non-financial reporting, audit, sustainable development, assurance engagements, fair presentation


Importance: a modern company counting on sustainable progressive development, attracting investments, and growing credibility can no longer be limited to public disclosure of the financial aspect of its activities. The flagships of the markets, followed by other responsible players, should show their work in the field of environmental protection and solving social problems. Sustainable Development Reporting (ESG-reporting) serves this purpose. The trust of the state, society, and business partners in such reporting is largely due to its independent assurance and confirmation. However, to date, the practice of inspections is hampered by the lack of common views on the forms and regulations for their conduct. Purpose: clarification of the definition of the terms «assurance» and «confirmation» in relation to ESG reporting; assessment of the acceptability of using the concept of «audit of ESG reporting» based on the requirements of current regulatory legal acts; systematization of standards on the basis of which certification and confirmation of ESG reporting is performed in the Russian Federation. Research design: analysis of the provisions of regulatory legal acts that constitute the legal basis for the issuance of non-financial statements and their assurance and confirmation; identification of problems in the terminology of this area, its regulation; development of solutions to them. Results: the definitions of the concepts of «public assurance» and «independent professional confirmation» in relation to ESG-reporting as the two main popular forms of its inspections are presented; it is clarified on the basis of which standards (regulations) they are carried out in the Russian Federation; changes in the structure of the auditor’s report on the results of confirmation of ESG-reporting are proposed in order to increase its informational value and ease of use.


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Author Biographies

Dmitrii A. Endovitsky , Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Full Рrof.

Anastasija A. Sukhareva , Voronezh State University

graduate student


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How to Cite
Endovitsky , D. A., & Sukhareva , A. A. (2022). Standardization of certification and confirmation of ESG reporting in the Russian Federation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 91-102.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics