Implementation of the personnel marketing approach for internal clients of the organization
Importance: scientific positions on the issues of the inclusion of marketing conceptual approaches and tools in the processes of effective management of relations between manufacturers – employers and consumers, internal customers – company's staff. Purpose: the article deals with the algorithmic modeling of the mechanisms of implementation of the personnel marketing approach in the activities of organizations, based on the concept of marketing mix. Research design: the fundamental task of personnel marketing is to create the most attractive image of the enterprise as an employer in order to ensure the ultimate effectiveness of the activity due to the formation of a high return on the personnel component. Currently, this task is not always solved constructively due to the fact that methodological and organizational issues of building an integrated system of internal marketing of personnel at the level of organizations do not coinсide with the practical need to implement mechanisms for attracting and retaining internal customers – the company's staff. Results: the authors suggest a model of the internal marketing system of the organization's personnel, which includes the basic aspects of the personnel marketing complex, as well as tools to find a balance between the interests of internal clients (personnel) and the employer organization in the process of ensuring the effectiveness of business indicators. The article also contains the algorithm for implementing a personnel marketing approach, which assumes the formation of effective work with internal clients in the organization.
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