New approaches to forecasting the yield of grain crops

  • Aleksey G. Bukhovets Воронежский государственный аграрный университет имени императора Петра I
  • Evgeniy A. Semin Voronezh State Agricultural University
  • Andrey K. Gornostaev MIREA – Russian Technological University
Keywords: yield forecasting, zoning of territories, randomized systems of iterated functions, vegetation index NDVI


Importance: the consideration of new approaches in solving practical problems can be carried out in two ways. It is possible to develop new methods in relation to previously obtained data, and it is possible to use traditional methods in relation to data obtained in innovative ways. In any case, there is a receipt of new information about the subject of research. Both options are presented in this paper. Purpose: the purpose of the research is to consider the use of analytical models in yield forecasting from the point of view of applying new methodological approaches, such as fractal theory and the fuzzy set-based zoning technique. To present the results of a comparative analysis of the use of traditional methods and approaches based on fractal theory. To discuss the relationship of these models with the initial assumptions and their impact on the quality of forecasts. Research design: а new concept of operational forecasting is introduced, which is based on remote sensing data using artificial Earth satellites and the use of NDVI index. It is shown that the proposed model is based on the physiological characteristics of agricultural plants. Approaches to improving the quality of the operational forecast through the use of a new integral indicator based on the proposed dynamic model of the vegetation index are discussed. Results: methods of remote sensing of the Earth can become practically useful ways to quickly assess the influence of external factors. As extensive practice shows, the normalized difference vegetation index NDVI is well suited for these purposes. The dynamic model of the NDVI index proposed by us reflects the features of the development of an agricultural crop, for example, winter wheat. Subsequently, this model was used to predict yields.


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Author Biographies

Aleksey G. Bukhovets , Воронежский государственный аграрный университет имени императора Петра I

Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Full Prof.

Evgeniy A. Semin , Voronezh State Agricultural University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Andrey K. Gornostaev, MIREA – Russian Technological University

M.A. student


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How to Cite
Bukhovets , A. G., Semin , E. A., & Gornostaev, A. K. (2023). New approaches to forecasting the yield of grain crops. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 8-19. Retrieved from
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