Problems and directions of improving the analysis and assessment of the efficiency of the work of local self-government bodies
Importance: assessment of the activities of local government bodies and their effectiveness. Purpose: review, evaluation and development of methodological approaches to assessing the performance of local governments. Research design: the authors carried out the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «assessment of the effectiveness of local self-government» in order to develop the author’s definition of the concept. The article considers the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of local governments, including the selection of indicators that allow covering all areas of such activities, available from the reporting of municipalities and measurable quantitatively. It proves that for many of the indicators used for monitoring it is more rational to evaluate not only their individual values, but to compare them in dynamics for one municipality, as well as in statics and dynamics for several similar and potentially competing municipalities. Practical testing of the method of comparing territories is available if their characteristics are comparable in at least some aspects (location, size, state of business and social infrastructure, etc.). Comparison is an important general scientific method, including applicable for evaluating the activities of local self-governments and identifying areas for its improvement. Based on the results of the comparison, it’s possible to conclude that the Verkhnekhavsky municipal district has more successful development of precisely those aspects for which targeted programs are being implemented in it. Results: the authors proposed the definition of the term «assessment of the effectiveness of local self-government». They also proposed to form a municipal program «Development of tourism in the territory of the Verkhnekhavskiy municipal district», within the framework of which a number of decisions can be implemented to enhance the involvement of citizens for beach, ecological and educational recreation.
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