Development of methodology for assessing the competitiveness of municipalities

  • Tatiana V. Sabetova Voronezh State Agricultural University
  • Larisa A. Shishkina Voronezh State Agricultural University
Keywords: municipal formation, indicator, competitiveness, efficiency assessment, comparison


Importance: assessment of the competitiveness of municipalities and the selection of indicators for its qualitative implementation. Purpose: review, evaluation and development of methodological approaches to assessing the competitiveness of territorial entities, including municipal districts. Research design: the problem of assessing the competitiveness of territories, including municipal districts, according to understandable and quantifiable indicators is considered, the aspect of comparability of municipalities is taken into account and the main parameters determining such comparability are highlighted. It is proved that the basis for determining the competitiveness of the territory is laid by the indicators recommended by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation to assess the effectiveness of the activities of local governments, but their insufficiency for a comprehensive analysis has been revealed. To supplement the recommended list, three more indicators are proposed: the volume of investments in fixed assets per 1 resident; the average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees; the share of tax and non- tax revenues of the local budget in the total volume of own revenues of the municipal budget. Practical testing of the assessment methodology, combined from the three additional indicators determined by the decree, was carried out on the example of Verkhnekhavsky and Ramonsky districts of the Voronezh region. The proposed additional indicators provide an assessment of the competitiveness of municipal districts, much closer to an intuitive assessment reflecting the opinions of the population of the region, they should be recognized as useful for the methodology of assessing the competitive position of any districts and other territorial entities. Results: a set of performance indicators of local self-government bodies was tested in relation to assessing the competitiveness of municipalities in order to identify gaps in supplementing the list of indicators. Three indicators have been selected, which, in combination with the parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of local self-government bodies, give a fairly objective idea of the competitiveness of the municipality.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana V. Sabetova , Voronezh State Agricultural University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof.

Larisa A. Shishkina , Voronezh State Agricultural University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof.


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How to Cite
Sabetova , T. V., & Shishkina , L. A. (2023). Development of methodology for assessing the competitiveness of municipalities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 35-51. Retrieved from
Regional Economics