Analysis of the essence of compliance with the covenants of credit institutions by a group of companies
Importance: the essence of the use of the covenant system by credit institutions, its impact on the group of companies. Purpose: to study the procedure for compliance with the covenants of credit institutions, to determine the conceptual apparatus and factors influencing the group of companies. Research design: сovenants are additional terms of a loan agreement that fix the threshold values of indicators of the financial condition of the borrower, a ban on certain actions with the assets and liabilities of an economic entity. Credit institutions include covenants in the agreement in order to minimize their credit risks, which manifest themselves in the event of a partial or complete loss by the borrower of the opportunity to repay the loan and interest accrued on it. However, it is also necessary to analyze credit risks from the side of the group of companies. Results: аs part of the formation of an effective system for ensuring economic security, an organization is proposed to identify the risks and threats of using covenants by credit institutions when lending to legal entities by analyzing and monitoring accounting (financial) statements in order to identify possible deviations from covenants. This approach makes it possible to take preventive measures to neutralize the risks and threats associated with non-compliance with covenants, in particular, to identify covenants that are most at risk of non-compliance by an economic entity, and to assess the likelihood of redistribution of financial and economic flows within a group of companies in order to level such a risk.
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