Reporting as a tool for small business management

  • Elena I. Kostyukova Stavropol state agrarian University
  • Alexey N. Bobryshev Stavropol state agrarian University
  • Marina V. Feskova Stavropol state agrarian University
  • Maria N. Tatarinova Stavropol state agrarian University
Keywords: small business entities, reporting, accounting, activity analysis


Importance: the article reveals the specifics of the reporting of small businesses. To understand the financial condition and development trends of business structures, constant monitoring of key indicators is required to ensure an adequate assessment of the current situation. Accounting, tax, statistical and personnel reports generate information for both external and internal users and ensure the fulfillment of not only the company’s tax obligations, but also is a tool for planning and monitoring the implementation of the project. The ongoing measures of state support for small businesses are aimed at optimizing the composition and reporting forms, simplifying the delivery procedure, which has a positive effect on the implementation of small business business processes. At the same time, small businesses themselves pay insufficient attention to the development of a system of management reports for internal use. The subject of the study is the composition, structure and types of reporting of small businesses. The information base of the study was the official statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service, resolutions and legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, instructive and methodological materials of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Purpose: study of the composition and types of accounting, tax, statistical and internal reporting of small businesses and the definition of measures to improve them. Research design: the object of the study are the features of the formation of forms of accounting, tax, statistical and internal reporting. The basis of the study was the legal acts regulating the composition of the reporting of small businesses. In the course of the study, methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization. Results: state support for small businesses has different directions, within the framework of this study, the influence of the specifics of the activities of small businesses on the formation and presentation of various types of reporting was studied. For small businesses, the possibility of generating simplified reporting is legally fixed. Simplified accounting financial statements allow you to present indicators only for groups of articles, without detailing indicators for articles, which facilitates the process of generating reporting forms. As one of the measures of state support for small businesses, the use of special tax regimes is envisaged, which determines the need for the formation and submission of tax returns at the end of the year. If there are employees, it is necessary to prepare reports on insurance premiums for pension, medical and social insurance. A simplified procedure is also provided for the presentation of statistical data. These types of reporting are used by regulatory authorities to monitor and control the activities of small businesses. However, for small businesses there is an objective need to form internal (managerial) reporting, the purpose of which is to provide the administrative apparatus with information for making effective business decisions. The composition and forms of management reporting are determined by the information requests of internal users of financial information. The article defines the requirements for the preparation of management reporting for small businesses, taking into account the specifics of their activities, and also explores the possibilities of automated management reporting.


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Author Biographies

Elena I. Kostyukova, Stavropol state agrarian University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Alexey N. Bobryshev, Stavropol state agrarian University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Marina V. Feskova, Stavropol state agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Maria N. Tatarinova, Stavropol state agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof


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How to Cite
Kostyukova, E. I., Bobryshev, A. N., Feskova, M. V., & Tatarinova, M. N. (2023). Reporting as a tool for small business management. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 76-88.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics