SWOT analysis is a tool for improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises on the example of the FPC "COSMOS-OIL-GAS"

  • L.A. Markova Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Keywords: competitiveness, SWOT analysis, import substitution, FPC, enterprise, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, threats


Modern and competent assessment of the company's work, as well as professional application of competitive advantages are important indicators of the company's success in the market. Professional organized work of any industrial enterprise in the modern economic conditions of an unstable market is the result of competent and planned work of management and employees. Purpose: to analyze the assessment of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise based on SWOT analysis. Identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. To propose solutions to improve the competitiveness of LLC FPC "COSMOS-OIL-GAS". Research design: currently, a wide variety of techniques are used to analyze an industrial enterprise. Which method to apply specifically depends on what the goals of the analysis are, and what information is available. The author proposes to assess competitiveness based on SWOT analysis. Results: the use of SWOT analysis makes it possible to assess the competitiveness of an enterprise reliably, taking into account the effect of internal and external factors. Of course, the results of the SWOT analysis are not recommendations for use by the management of the enterprise, for this it is necessary to conduct a thorough comprehensive analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the enterprise. However, SWOT analysis objectively shows in a visual form what the current position of the company in the market looks like, allows you to assess the competitiveness at the moment, as well as to develop a long-term strategy plan.


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Author Biography

L.A. Markova, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Об авторе: преп.


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How to Cite
Markova, L. (2023). SWOT analysis is a tool for improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises on the example of the FPC "COSMOS-OIL-GAS". Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 32-41. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/11678
Industrial Economics