Analysis of the geophysical service market on the example of industry enterprises
The market of geophysical service in times of crisis on the example of industry enterprises that are included in various ratings of geophysical and oilfield service companies: the leaders are JSC «Rosgeologiya» and LLC «TNG-Group», as well as the enterprise PJSC «Samaraneftegeofizika». Purpose: to determine the financial condition of the studied geophysical companies for 2016-2021, based on which it is possible to draw conclusions about the impact of crisis phenomena on the companies of the industry and on the market as a whole. Research design: the paper reviewed the Russian geophysical service market for 2016-2021, identified the key financial indicators of the studied companies for 20192020 and compared these indicators with industry and national data for this period. As a result, the financial condition of the studied companies relative to the industry and all branches of the Russian Federation for 2019-2020 was established. In the course of the study, the financial and economic indicators of JSC «Rosgeologiya», LLC «TNG-Group» and PJSC «Samaraneftegeofizika» for 2016-2021 were also calculated and analyzed. Results: a comparative financial analysis of the companies studied showed that the financial indicators of companies have values below the recommended ones, and this indicates the financial instability of enterprises. The financial and economic analysis of the companies has established that large representatives of the geophysical service market are the most stable in times of crisis, moreover, they can show a certain growth. However, crisis periods have an extremely negative impact on smaller enterprises of the market. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were also made to improve the financial condition of market companies in times of crisis.
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