Economic analysis and justification of a business project for the production of innovative domestic feed and feed additives for farm animals and poultry
Importance: а business project for the production of innovative domestic
feed and feed additives from Jerusalem artichoke for farm animals and
poultry. Purpose: economic analysis and justification of the feasibility of
producing innovative domestic feed and feed additives from Jerusalem
artichoke for farm animals and poultry in the Central Federal District.
Research design: the feasibility of producing feed additives from Jerusalem
artichoke processing waste has been substantiated, since the effect is based
on increasing the productivity of cows and the quality of milk; the authors
have put forward a hypothesis about maintaining the positive effect in
related sectors of livestock farming. An economic analysis of the planned
production was carried out through a SWOT analysis of the strengths
and weaknesses of the project, threats. As a result of the integral risk
assessment, the need to adjust the discount rate was identified, and the
overall risk level of the project was assessed by the authors as average. An
assessment of the efficiency indicators of business implementation made
it possible to establish that the payback period, even taking into account
discounting, does not exceed the period of operation of the project of eight
years, the profitability of the business in terms of net profit for the entire
period exceeds 80%. Results: An economic analysis was carried out and the
production of a domestic feed additive from Jerusalem artichoke for feeding
farm animals and poultry was justified. The high economic efficiency of its
production and sale of feed additives from Jerusalem artichoke waste is
associated with the complex economic effect of reducing waste, increasing
animal productivity and product quality, and creating jobs. The possibility
of scaling the experience of the considered business in the conditions of
the Voronezh region and the Central Federal District, where the cultivation
of Jerusalem artichoke is widespread, has been proven.
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