Innovative development of russian regions: economic and institutional context

  • Yuri Igorevich Treschevsky Voronezh State University
  • Tatiana Olegovna Zagornaya Donetsk State University
  • Alina Gennadyevna Malugina Voronezh State University
Keywords: region, innovation activity, institutions, economic content, institutional content


Importance: innovative development of Russian regions in the context of the state and interrelations of their economic and institutional parameters. Purpose: to analyse the innovative development of groups (virtual clusters) of Russian regions that differ in the general level and structure of economic and institutional parameters. Research design: the research process used: monographic, economic and statistical, logical methods, cluster and institutional analysis. The initial information array of indicators is compiled on the basis of objective statistical data, which received the author’s economic and institutional interpretation. Results: the analysis of innovation development indicators of Russian regions has shown significant differences in their innovation development by the following indicators: the share of innovative goods, works and services in their total volume; the share of organisations engaged in innovation activities; the number of advanced technologies used; the share of expenditures aimed at innovation activities from the total volume of shipped goods, works and services; the number of organisations that performed research and development; expenditures on research and development implementation In the author’s interpretation, these differences are largely due to both the objective conditions of their activities (the level of development of industry and scientific and educational sector) and the combination of institutional parameters reflecting the propensity to innovation, investment, risk associated with the level of technological, functional, financial and social optimism.


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Author Biographies

Yuri Igorevich Treschevsky, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Tatiana Olegovna Zagornaya, Donetsk State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Alina Gennadyevna Malugina, Voronezh State University

Master’s student


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Regional Economics