Global experience application of emissions trading systems: theoretical and empirical analysis
Importance: world experience in the application of emission trading systems in the context of theoretical and empirical aspects of the study. Purpose: to highlight the features of the functioning of emission trading systems, determine the advantages of individual systems, and also evaluate the results of using these systems in practice. Research design: the main elements of emission permit trading systems used in various countries are considered, the features of the functioning of regulated and voluntary markets are highlighted, and the mechanisms for the distribution of emission permits are analyzed. Results: the authors highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the emission trading systems used in modern practice in various countries, and examined the features of the permit trading system emerging in Russia. The justifiable reasons for using emission trading systems include the opportunity for effective exchange, the possibility of an environmental group spending its own resources to reduce environmental pollution by others, and a focus on the efficient use of pollutants without the need for a direct assessment of public costs of pollution, etc.
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