A model of agricultural diversification based on rural tourism

  • Victoria Viktorovna Gruzdeva Institute of Food Technology and Design – branch of GBOU VO NGUEU
  • Yulia Semenovna Yulia Semenovna Institute of Food Technology and Design – branch of GBOU VO NGUEU
  • Andrey Mikhailovich Terekhov Volga Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
Keywords: rural tourism, agrotourism, rural tourism models, tourist and recreational potential, financial support, agriculture


Importance: currently, rural tourism is actively developing in Russia, which is due to various factors associated with both the geopolitical situation in the world and the reasons of internal properties resulting from the sanctions pressure on the Russian economy. But today only one fifth of Russian tourists are interested in this form of tourism product, while in Europe this figure is about 50%. Purpose: to study the points of view, approaches to the understanding of «rural tourism», to analyse rural tourism in combination with other types of tourism as a model of agricultural diversification. Research design: the methodological basis, first of all, was the institutional approach and systematic method. Also statistical and modelling methods are important in the study of this problem. Results: the author’s understanding of the essence of «rural tourism» is proposed, models of rural tourism organisation in Russia are described. The models of rural tourism organisation are defined, which are a tool for diversifying the income of an agricultural enterprise. In addition, the authors conclude that in European countries much emphasis is given to the state support of rural tourism based on financial support of agricultural enterprises. The measures of financial support for rural tourism in Russia are analysed. The authors believe that in addition to state support programmes, the development of rural tourism in Russia will be facilitated by the implementation of tourist and recreational potential of rural areas.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Viktorovna Gruzdeva, Institute of Food Technology and Design – branch of GBOU VO NGUEU

Dr. Sci. (Рhil.), Full Prof.

Yulia Semenovna Yulia Semenovna, Institute of Food Technology and Design – branch of GBOU VO NGUEU

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Andrey Mikhailovich Terekhov, Volga Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Gruzdeva, V. V., Yulia Semenovna, Y. S., & Terekhov, A. M. (2024). A model of agricultural diversification based on rural tourism. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 30-41. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps/2078-9017/2024/2/30-41
Regional Economics