Application of functional cost calculator to assess the performance of wholesale trade

  • Natalya Glebovna Sapozhnikova Voronezh State University
  • Ivan Andreevich Zolototrubov Voronezh State University
  • Alexander Andreevich Zolototrubov Voronezh State University
Keywords: direct and indirect distribution costs, profitability of sales, ABC method


Importance: the activities of corporations generate expenses that in trade take the form of distribution costs. Currently, issues of typology, content, and disclosure of information on distribution costs are determined by the accounting policy of the corporation and depend on the professional judgment of those responsible for organizing and maintaining accounting records. Purpose: to study the methodological approaches of domestic and foreign economists to the typology of distribution costs, to study the content of direct and indirect distribution costs of wholesale trade corporations, to use the ABC method for making decisions in the field of marketing strategy and corporate profitability. Research design: the organization of accounting for distribution costs that have a direct impact on the corporation’s equity capital is determined by the accounting policy formed on the basis of regulations of the Russian Federation and the professional judgment of specialists. The increasing complexity of business processes, the variety of types of goods, and the implementation of international transactions expand the composition and content of distribution costs and necessitate the use of various types of analysis to determine the performance of corporations. Results: an increase in the business activity of trading corporations contributes to the expansion of indirect costs in the distribution costs associated with attracting resources, licensing activities, certification of goods, conducting examinations, drawing up and monitoring contracts, checking counterparties, carrying out activities to maintain business relations, and providing after-sales service. Based on the typology and content of the distribution costs of a particular corporation, a method for distributing indirect costs has been proposed and tested, which makes it possible to determine the profitability of clients, and the use of the ABC method by trading corporations has been justified.


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Author Biographies

Natalya Glebovna Sapozhnikova, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Full Prof.

Ivan Andreevich Zolototrubov, Voronezh State University

graduate student

Alexander Andreevich Zolototrubov, Voronezh State University

graduate student


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How to Cite
Sapozhnikova, N. G., Zolototrubov, I. A., & Zolototrubov, A. A. (2024). Application of functional cost calculator to assess the performance of wholesale trade. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 126-143.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics