Operational analysis of financial stability as a tool for making timely management decisions to ensure the companies economic security

  • Irina Valeryevna Polukhina Voronezh State University
Keywords: factors and components, methodology and indicators, financial stability, financial risks, efficiency, operational analysis, economic analysis


Importance: the article reveals the theoretical and methodological problems of analyzing the financial stability of a commercial organization related to the assessment of the financial component, identification of external and internal factors, monitoring the likelihood of insolvency (bankruptcy), the ability of managers to adjust the financial course in time and ensure the economic security of the organization’s activities depends on the qualitative determination of the type of financial stability and the detection of risk areas. Purpose: o systematize the key features of the operational analysis of financial stability, tasks and directions, to disclose methodological provisions for the formation of timely proposals and balanced management decisions. Research design: financial stability, efficient use of funds, sufficient solvency and liquidity are the key financial components of any commercial organization, with rational and effective management of material and cash flows, stable activity in current, investment and financial transactions is ensured. Conducting an operational analysis of the financial stability of an organization allows not only to identify financial risks, but in unstable conditions to respond in a timely manner to changing economic, market and other conditions in such a way as to maintain a reasonable balance between production development, investment, innovation, ensuring competitive advantages and financial stability. The implementation of appropriate management decisions, taking into account the financial consequences and looking at the financial condition, allows for a more objective and adequate calculation of the expediency of individual business activities, which is extremely important in unstable conditions and highly competitive markets. Results: the author systematizes the relevant aspects of financial stability assessment, reveals the economic essence and characteristics, and conducts a comparative analysis of the approaches of Russian scientists to assessing financial stability. It shows the methodological provisions of the operational analysis of financial stability, reveals the features and key financial risks, the timely neutralization of which will preserve financial stability and ensure the development of the economic potential of the organization.


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Author Biography

Irina Valeryevna Polukhina, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Polukhina, I. V. (2024). Operational analysis of financial stability as a tool for making timely management decisions to ensure the companies economic security . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 132-150. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps/2078-9017/2024/5/132-150
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