Means and methods of information protection within the framework of ensuring the economic security of the organization: the main characteristic

  • Mariya Vyacheslavovna Tkacheva Voronezh State University
  • Nikita Romanovich Beresnev Voronezh State University
Keywords: information, information security, information protection, means and methods of information protection, information security mechanisms, tools and measures to ensure information security, restricted access information


Importance: the subject of this study is information of value to an economic entity, as well as means and methods of its protection within the framework of ensuring information security of an economic entity. Purpose: a review and classification of the key characteristics of the means and methods of protecting information of value to an economic entity, which are normatively fixed and proposed by various authors, as well as an assessment of the main directions of their application within the framework of ensuring information security by the organization as a component of the economic security of the organization. Research design: designing a classification model of information security tools and methods known to modern economic practice based on a retrospective and prospective analysis of the methods used in practice and described in the regulatory and scientific literature to ensure information security and assess the main directions of their application. Results: the classification model of information protection tools and methods obtained in the course of the study can serve as an information base for the use of certain economic entities in practice in order to ensure their information security as a component of the economic security of the organization.


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Author Biographies

Mariya Vyacheslavovna Tkacheva , Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)

Nikita Romanovich Beresnev, Voronezh State University

B.A. + M.A.


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How to Cite
Tkacheva , M. V., & Beresnev, N. R. (2024). Means and methods of information protection within the framework of ensuring the economic security of the organization: the main characteristic . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 165-177.
Economic Security