Project analysis of cash flows and investment risks in the context of digitalization and companies competition

  • Irina Valeryevna Polukhina Voronezh State University
Keywords: cash flows, cash efficiency, sources of project financing, investment risks, digitalization and competition, sustainability, economic analysis


Importance: the scientific article reveals the theoretical and applied problems of analyzing cash flows and investment risks associated with generating sufficient cash flows from current operations for the implementation of investments, the effectiveness and balance of inflows and outflows of investment projects, assessment of investment risks and the implementation of timely measures to minimize. The ability of a commercial organization to maintain (strengthen) its competitive position in the market, to ensure stability and efficiency of management in the current, investment and financial activities of the organization largely depends on the quality of management decisions and analytical conclusion. Purpose: systematization of the stages of analysis of project cash flows, characterization of methodological provisions for assessing the effectiveness of cash flows for investment activities and assessment of the composition of investment risks to ensure balanced management decisions, the implementation of tactical and strategic goals while maintaining economic safety of activities. Research design: in the context of the development of the digital economy and the rapid development of process automation and artificial intelligence technologies, an important component of ensuring a reasonable balance between sufficient solvency, financial stability and the implementation of investment projects is to assess the uniformity, balance and quality of cash flows in certain time intervals. Conducting a systematic analysis of the state of receipts and expenditures of funds by type of activity and monitoring financial risks make it possible to identify existing on-farm reserves, plan and finance investment programs in the most balanced way. This makes it possible, in difficult economic conditions, to find the most optimal sources of financing for investment projects, to maintain sufficient funds with a rational capital structure, financial stability and solvency. Results: the author reveals the relationship between the effectiveness of the use of funds and the identification of reserves for financing investment projects, systematizes investment risks, threats and measures to minimize. The methodological provisions of the analysis of cash flows and investment risks are also disclosed, investment directions are grouped to ensure the competitiveness of a commercial organization, market stability in the short, medium and long term.


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Author Biography

Irina Valeryevna Polukhina, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Polukhina, I. V. (2024). Project analysis of cash flows and investment risks in the context of digitalization and companies competition. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 70-85.
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