Evolution of the international trade network structure in China’s biopharmaceutical industry
Importance: the paper explores the biopharmaceutical industry in China and a number of foreign countries that are key in its trade in biopharmaceutical products (USA, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, UK). Based on data from the past decade on the import and export of biopharmaceutical trade partner countries, the authors calculate the performance of each country in the international trade network based on the Social Network Analysis Method, in order to develop and increase the trade status of the biopharmaceutical industry in China. Purpose: using the Social Network Analysis Method, data from the International Trade in goods of the biopharmaceutical industry from 2010 to 2019, including such indicators as global trade network density, overall trade network density of the biopharmaceutical industry and industrial structure, are analyzed. The calculation of the International Biopharmaceutical Industry Trade Agglomeration Coefficient reveals the expansion and deepening of the cross-country trade exchange of goods of the biopharmaceutical industry. Research Design: using bilateral trade data from the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database to explain trade relations between countries, the authors apply a method of maximizing each weight matrix to level differences in statistical levels between different countries and regions. This article summarizes the experience of core powers in the traditional biopharmaceutical industry and proposes effective suggestions to promote the accelerated development of trade in China’s biopharmaceutical industry. Results: based on the results of the study with in the context of the development of the global biopharmaceutical industry, the authors propose measures to increase the trading status of the biopharmaceutical industry in China and strengthen its potential in the field of technological innovation.
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