Economic security of russia and its regions in modern conditions
Importance: research of approaches to the description of economic security in scientific practice, development of a method and methodology for diagnosing economic security, assessment of the state of Russia and its regions in terms of economic security in order to identify bottlenecks and ensure the safe development of the country. Purpose: to analyze the features of the essence of the concept and methods of assessing the economic security of the territory, to develop an author’s methodological apparatus for diagnosing the economic security of the country and regions. Research design: the author shows a different understanding of the essence of economic security in domestic and foreign literature, proposes a methodological apparatus for assessing the situation of economic security based on indicators of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, defines threshold levels of indicators, describes ways to bring indicators into relative units in order to obtain an aggregated comprehensive assessment, conducted approbation calculations. Results: the author’s methodology for diagnosing economic security has been developed and calculations of the levels of economic security of the territories of the Russian Federation and the country as a whole in 2019- 2022 have been carried out, the dynamics of changes in indicators in this period has been determined. Based on these calculations, problematic areas of economic security have been identified, and the main directions for improving the situation have been formulated. The research contributes to the development of a system of scientific knowledge about economic security, will be relevant in the formation of domestic economic policy and planning of socio-economic development of regions and the country as a whole.
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