Crowdlending as an innovative tool for financing investment projects of SMES: analysis of opportunities and development prospects

  • Ilya Aleksandrovich Krapiventsev Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Gazprombank’s Digital and Innovative Asset Management Department PJSC Gazprombank
Keywords: crowdlanding, investment platform, investor, borrower, investment project, risk


Importance: the article considers crowdlending as an innovative tool for financing investment projects of SMEs in conditions of limited access to traditional sources of borrowed capital. The relevance of the topic is due to its role in increasing investment activity and economic development in the face of sanctions pressure. Purpose: to determine the role of crowdlending in financing investment projects of SMEs and assess its potential as a driver of economic development of the Russian Federation. Research design: a set of methods of scientific cognition has been applied, among which analysis, synthesis, methods of comparison, grouping and generalization, as well as methods of financial and dynamic analysis can be distinguished. Results: the main problems and risks hindering the development of crowdfunding in Russia have been identified. Measures are proposed to improve the regulatory regulation of crowdinvestment, including the revision of quantitative restrictions for investors, the introduction of risk insurance for platform operators, a methodology for informing investors and the development of cross-border crowdlending within the framework of integration with the CSTO and BRICS states. The study highlights the prospects of crowdlending as a key element of the modernization of financial infrastructure that can ensure the sustainable development of SMEs and increase their access to investment resources.


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Author Biography

Ilya Aleksandrovich Krapiventsev, Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Gazprombank’s Digital and Innovative Asset Management Department PJSC Gazprombank

graduate student, сhief expert


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How to Cite
Krapiventsev, I. A. (2024). Crowdlending as an innovative tool for financing investment projects of SMES: analysis of opportunities and development prospects. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 114-134.
Financial Economics