Disproportions of economic growth in regions of the Russian federation: problems of the analysis

  • Е. Г. Попкова
  • Т. Н. Митрахович
Keywords: economic growth, disproportions of growth, regional development


The article is devoted to the analysis of disproportions of economic growth in the Russian regions. On the basis of backwardness vortices concept offered by the authors rates of economic growth in subjects of the Russian Federation for the period 1995-2007 are studied, and conclusions on their correlation with rates and the levels of growth reached in economy of the USA are drawn. On the basis of the received data it is established, that to overcome the existing gap between economies of the Russian Federation and the USA, and also of intra-regional disproportions 20 – 40 years are required.


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How to Cite
Попкова, Е. Г., & Митрахович, Т. Н. (2015). Disproportions of economic growth in regions of the Russian federation: problems of the analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 24-36. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/4194