Analysis of the amount, quality and structure of bill indebtedness of a commercial organization

  • Л. С. Коробейникова Voronezh State University
  • Д. В. Титов Voronezh branch OJSC Alfa-Bank
Keywords: bill indebtedness, notes receivable, notes payable, overdue bill, deferred income, provisions for liabilities and charges, value of property, circulation of notes


Analytical work of an economic entity in the sphere of management of operations with bills of exchange should exceed the limits of registering information about the composition and structure of liabilities on bills receivable and drawn, and this causes the necessity of the development of directions of analysis of liabilities on bills receivable and drawn. To analyze the operations with bills it is recommended to use comparative, structural, ratio and factor analysis.


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How to Cite
Коробейникова, Л. С., & Титов, Д. В. (2015). Analysis of the amount, quality and structure of bill indebtedness of a commercial organization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 109-127. Retrieved from