en Peculiarities of forming of information base of analyses of financial and economic activity of small enterprises

  • Юлия Владимировна Литвин Voronezh State University
  • Римма Равеловна Рахматулина Voronezh State University
Keywords: calculation, interested users, analyses, small business, activity, general taxation system, single tax on imputed income, simplified taxation system


In the article peculiarities of forming of information base of analyses of financial and economic activity, taking into account interests of different consumer groups. Specific form of report on main indicators of activity of small enterprise applying the simplified taxation system is offered.


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How to Cite
Литвин, Ю. В., & Рахматулина, Р. Р. (2015).  en Peculiarities of forming of information base of analyses of financial and economic activity of small enterprises. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 116-130. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/4773