Enhancement of forecasting techniques of sustainable development of the enterprise on the basis of logit-analysis

  • Ирина Николаевна Булгакова
  • Ульяна Владимировна Голованева
Keywords: steady functioning of the enterprise, bankruptcy diagnostics, legislative effects of indicators, system of orientation of a management


One of the basic priorities at an estimation of a sustainable development of the enterprise is the estimation of probability of bankruptcy. In the clause the bankrupt of a financial and economic condition and the sustainable development analysis is resulted models considering features of the enterprises of the dairy industry, approaches giving the chance forecasting.


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How to Cite
Булгакова, И. Н., & Голованева, У. В. (2015). Enhancement of forecasting techniques of sustainable development of the enterprise on the basis of logit-analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 146-150. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/5037