The national-cultural authonomy as a form of realization of the rights of peoples to self determination

  • Заира Теймуразовна Абасова
Keywords: national-cultural autonomy, the right to self-determination, the rights of peoples, autonomy, realization of the right to self-determination


Purpose: the author considers the national-cultural autonomy as a form of realization of the people right to self-determination in the article; the author identifies problems arising from the national-cultural autonomies. Results: author offers solutions to the problems arising in the activities of national-cultural autonomies; the author identifies problems arising from the national-cultural autonomies.


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How to Cite
Абасова, З. Т. (2015). The national-cultural authonomy as a form of realization of the rights of peoples to self determination. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 139-145. Retrieved from
Regional Economics