Improvement of the production activity from the point of view of marketing approach

  • Александр Николаевич Низов УрФУ, Институт развития образования
  • Яна Андреевна Матвеева УрФУ
  • Константин Александрович Машков УрФУ
Keywords: scarce days, service coefficient, sales forecast, analysis of stocks


product portfolio optimization. Discussion: it is important to offer
production demanded and to minimize «lie too long» positions. Numerous
services of the enterprise are involved in this important (from the point
of view of the firm) process. Stir successful work unresolved questions of
their coordination, responsibility and an assessment of activity. The system
of planning also can’t be effective without providing plans (inquiries) with
purchasing activity and without check of implementation of plans (without
reporting information). Cases of inconsistency of purchasing and selling
activity take place, there is no system of a material interest in efficiency of
purchase, there are no indicators of evaluation of the work of purchasing
managers. The best-selling goods often are absent in warehouses.
Results: for elimination of these shortcomings, we present some measures
for improvement of purchases. For example, it is necessary to introduce
the major indicators: number of scarce days – number of days of lack
of goods in a warehouse; service coefficient – the relation of not scarce
days to number of days in the period. These indicators characterize work
of purchasers in trading companies and plan, production services in the
commodity producer organizations.


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Author Biographies

Александр Николаевич Низов, УрФУ, Институт развития образования

доцент, к.э.н.

Яна Андреевна Матвеева, УрФУ

УрФУ, аспирант

Константин Александрович Машков, УрФУ

Бизнес-Школа УрФУ, преподаватель

How to Cite
Низов, А. Н., Матвеева, Я. А., & Машков, К. А. (2015). Improvement of the production activity from the point of view of marketing approach. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 39-48.
Industrial Economics