Improvement of the investment provision strategy for the central federal district regions in a volatile external environment

  • Евгения Викторовна Никулина Belgorod state national research university
  • Анна Викторовна Орлова Belgorod state national research university
  • Кристина Юрьевна Алтухова Belgorod state national research university
  • Марина Александровна Грайворонская Belgorod state national research university
  • Илья Денисович Фурсеев Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: strategy, socio-economic development, region, management, investments, Central Federal District, gross regional product, savings, population, efficiency, volatility


Purpose : the author explores the investment processes of the subjects of the Russian Federation Central Federal District. They help to solve the strategic objectives of the investment development on the basis the development of long-term action plan. This plan defines the various elements relationship of investment activity with resource and financial opportunities. Discussion : the author uses economic and social methods of data analysis basis for existing development strategy substantiation of the Central Federal District regions. They include the assessment and forecast of the investment climate. The writer analyses the quantitative characteristics of investment activity regions for 2013-2015 and forecasts till 2025. Results : the author defines the investment development district vector, highlights the problem fields of development, considers investment projects selection procedure in the integration model. All the above events are the basis for the building socio-economic regions policy and functional development model of regional investment management mechanism.


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How to Cite
Никулина, Е. В., Орлова, А. В., Алтухова, К. Ю., Грайворонская, М. А., & Фурсеев, И. Д. (2017). Improvement of the investment provision strategy for the central federal district regions in a volatile external environment. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 112-121.
Regional Economics