Space-functional dynamics of Russian regions

  • Иван Сергеевич Иголкин Voronezh State University
  • Юрий Игоревич Трещевский Voronezh Economics and Law Institute
Keywords: space-functional dynamic, clusters, economic subsystems, virtual clustering


Purpose : the article describes the main trends and patterns of dynamics for the indicators of regional development. These indicators form a space- functional dynamic. Discussion : the article tests the hypothesis that regions of Russia form groups that are different in degree of balance in economic subsystems. Each region can be assigned to a separate cluster depending on the level of development. Authors considers in detail the dynamics of development for each cluster. In addition authers analyze the stability of each clusters under conditions of economic fluctuations. Results : the authors identified five fairly homogeneous groups of Russian regions that differ in the ratio of results from different activities. The cluster specializing on minerals extraction is the most stable in terms of functional and spatial characteristics. The article highlights a number of regions in a high level of agriculture development and budgetary sphere. These regions form the most unbalanced cluster.


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How to Cite
Иголкин, И. С., & Трещевский, Ю. И. (2017). Space-functional dynamics of Russian regions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 129-144.
Regional Economics