Coordinator, organizers, workers of economic analysis of the financial stability of the economic subject

  • Артем Вадимович Кривошеев Voronezh State University
Keywords: financial stability, financial condition of the organization, economic analysis, financial accounting


Purpose: development of theoretical and organizational-methodological provisions of the economic analysis of financial stability, as a result of which practical solutions to current problems of ensuring and enhancing current and prospective financial stability, and meeting investment expectations of owners can be developed and justified. Discussion: we disclosed the content of financial stability analysis for the main groups of users of information of a commercial organization on the example of a joint-stock company and features in the content and organization of economic analysis of the financial stability of the organization. Results: we show that to conduct an economic analysis of a company's financial stability, information flows should be used about the financial and economic activities of the organization, not limited only to the financial statements. The effectiveness of economic analysis of financial sustainability depends on the completeness, materiality and quality of the information used.


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How to Cite
Кривошеев, А. В. (2017). Coordinator, organizers, workers of economic analysis of the financial stability of the economic subject. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 137-150.