The survey of employees' satisfaction with the system of remuneration and incentives in the health institutions of the Voronezh region

  • Екатерина Сергеевна Дашкова Voronezh State University
Keywords: labor remuneration, labor incentives, sociological survey, healthcare sphere


Annotation. Aim: To study the satisfaction of employees of health institutions in the Voronezh region with a system of remuneration and incentives. Research methodology: a sociological survey is the most used method in studying the problems of stimulating employees both at the level of one organization, and at the sectoral, regional and even federal levels. Discussion: questionnaires are surveyed in health facilities in Voronezh and the Voronezh region. The author analyzed the results of the surveys, compared the seven objects of the study.

Results: on the basis of the analysis of the survey of health workers of the Voronezh region the author revealed the existing problems in the field of remuneration and incentives.


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How to Cite
Дашкова, Е. С. (2017). The survey of employees’ satisfaction with the system of remuneration and incentives in the health institutions of the Voronezh region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5.
Labour Economics