Role of China in the development of southern Africa: example of Zimbabwe

  • Кирилл Андреевич Алешин Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: economic cooperation, trade, investments, foreign policy, sanctions, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, Africa, China, EU, US


Purpose: the role of China in Zimbabwe, that has been under long-term sanctions implemented by EU and US, and also experiencing serious economic difficulties. Discussion: the author analyzed the development of relations between Zimbabwe and China. The priorities of Beijing, the main trends and key areas of bilateral cooperation are shown. Results: while in isolation and in terms of Western sanctions, the leadership of Zimbabwe found a reliable ally – China, which became its one of the leading trade and economic partners and political allies, helped to overcome the negative consequences of a large-scale economic crisis. The author predicts that in the medium term, it is possible to expect a decrease in the role Beijing is playing in the economic and political life of Zimbabwe, which is due to a number of circumstances, including the removal of most of the EU sanctions, the possible abolition of US restrictive measures, the activation of Russia, India, as well as other developing countries in the Zimbabwe. However, the link between Zimbabwe and China, which emerged in the last century, the achieved level of influence on the Zimbabwean elites will allow Beijing in the foreseeable future to remain a key player in this country.


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How to Cite
Алешин, К. А. (2017). Role of China in the development of southern Africa: example of Zimbabwe. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 33-43.
International Economics