Influence of religious moral culture on economic development

  • Максим Александрович Кравец Voronezh State University
  • Ольга Яковлевна Емельянова Voronezh State University
  • Инга Владимировна Шершень Voronezh institute of GPS Emercom of Russia
Keywords: spiritual and moral values, religion, economic growth


Purpose: the authors conduct the analysis of spiritual moral values influence, in particular religious, on the economic growth of national economy. Discussion: the authors think, that the soft management of spiritual and moral development has to consider the difficult nature of religious component influence on the economic growth of national economy, strengthen primarily the communication and promotion instruments. Integrated approach to development of secular and religious components for spiritual and moral culture enables to create strong and consistent effect of valuable impact on national economy. Results: the authors specified the influence mechanism of religion on national economy growth. And the writers systematized the influence effects of spiritual and moral values on economic growth. The authors allocated the spiritual and moral problems of the Russian society. These problems slow down the country economic development.


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How to Cite
Кравец, М. А., Емельянова, О. Я., & Шершень, И. В. (2017). Influence of religious moral culture on economic development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 84-90.
Economic Development and Growth