Current status and prospects development of the beef market of the region

  • Ольга Генсановна Чарыкова Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central black earth region Russian Federation
  • Елена Александровна Попова FSBI «Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central black earth region Russian Federation»
Keywords: beef market, conjuncture, tendencies, monitoring, development prospects


Purpose: the authors identify trends and prospects for the development of the regional beef market. Discussion: the decomposition of the beef market on the separate elements, mechanism (functioning, development and regulation), structure and tools allowed to monitor the market conditions. In recent years, production declined in these farms and the volume of indicators increased in agricultural organizations. This is the positive trend allows to use the newest advanced technologies. The price situation monitoring revealed the main factors of prices formation for cattle products on the Russian market. These factors include the world prices volatility for meat products and feed production prices. Results: the authors established that the beef market prospects depend on growth of the industry investment attractiveness, increase in the actual income of the population, the formation of interregional relations, the improvement of organizational and economic relations between market participants.


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Author Biographies

Ольга Генсановна Чарыкова, Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central black earth region Russian Federation

заведующий отделом маркетинга и рыночных отношений, заместитель директора института

Елена Александровна Попова, FSBI «Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central black earth region Russian Federation»

научный сотрудник отдела Маркетинга и рыночных отношений

How to Cite
Чарыкова, О. Г., & Попова, Е. А. (2018). Current status and prospects development of the beef market of the region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 85-93.
Agricultural Economics