The analysis of some characteristics of pharmacy- discounter business model

  • Елена Евгеньевна Чупандина Voronezh State University
  • Александра Васильевна Кузёмкина Voronezh State University
Keywords: pharmacy organization, «discount pharmacies», business, business model


Purpose: the article deals with the analyses of some characteristics of the business model of «discounter» on the example of the retail sector of the pharmaceutical market in the Voronezh region. Discussion: in view of the general complication of the economic situation noted in recent years and manifested in the fall in real incomes of the population and the general increase in prices, the population of Russia began to look for ways to save on consumed goods. Until recently, the possibility of saving through the use of trade organizations «low prices», positioning themselves as «discounters» was common in the food segment and the segment of household appliances. In recent years, this trend has been shifted to the pharmaceutical market and demonstrated the success of the operation. Despite the fact that «discount pharmacies» are a relatively new phenomenon for the pharmaceutical market, like any other commercial organization pursue its goal of making a profit. The study of the features of the functioning of pharmacy organizations in the business model of «discounter» showed that the extraction of a positive financial result in this case is associated with a number of features of functioning. On the one hand, this is the need to maintain the lowest possible price level for the given market, providing a high flow of consumers necessary for business, which in turn is capable of ensuring high turnover of goods. On the other hand - the need to minimize costs by simplifying the overall design of the pharmacy organization, minimizing staff costs and marketing. It is a well- known fact that the strategy of behavior in the market of these participants is characterized as aggressive, manifested in the rapid expansion of business due to a large starting capital, deliberate dumping in order to conquer the market and oust competitors. Results: the authors reveal the key specific features of pharmacy discount chain functioning.


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How to Cite
Чупандина, Е. Е., & Кузёмкина, А. В. (2018). The analysis of some characteristics of pharmacy- discounter business model. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 68-76.