Formation of the institutional environment and features of trajectories of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and Ukraine as a result of transformation of the economic system

  • Людмила Владимировна Боровская Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Institute of Economic and Management, Department of Finance and Credit
Keywords: bifurcation point, institutional environment, socially-oriented mixed economy, human developmentindex


Purpose: the article analyzes the peculiarities of the formation of the institutional environment and identifies the specific trajectories of the socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation and Ukraine under the conditions of transformation processes. Discussion: in order to analyze the specifics of the formation of the institutional environment, in addition to economic indicators, such indicators were included: the human development index; index of perception of corruption; index of economic freedom; expected life expectancy of the population; the proportion of the population over 65; the level of suicide of the population; level of looting of the population. For the analysis of social and economic transformations as a result of the transition of the Crimean Republic to the Russian Federation, the processes that took place earlier (1990-2015) and allowed to form an existing environment for the social and economic development of states were investigated. It is established that the socioeconomic transformations in the states with the command and administrative economy as a result of the passage of the first point of bifurcation are characterized by very mixed results. Absolute leader, both in the sphere of economic indicators and indicators of the quality of life of the population, is Estonia, not far behind it, and other Baltic states, far ahead of other countries in many respects. Results: the analysis showed that a comparison of the basic economic indicators of the Russian Federation and Ukraine shows that in both countries a similar economic model has formed, where the main sector of the economy is the service sector, and in general it can be described by the intersectoral scheme «15-25-65». At the same time, the socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation in comparison with Ukraine is not only characterized by higher values of the GDP per capita (PPP) index and the human development index at the end of the analyzed period, but also by the better dynamics during it.


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How to Cite
Боровская, Л. В. (2018). Formation of the institutional environment and features of trajectories of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and Ukraine as a result of transformation of the economic system. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 77-91.
Regional Economics