Methodology of internal risk control of the organization activities

  • Дмитрий Александрович Ендовицкий Voronezh State University
  • София Александровна Ситникова Voronezh State University
Keywords: risk control, methodology of risk control, internal control


Purpose: the article deals with the development of methodology of internal control of the risks of the company. Recently, organizational and methodological provisions of risk control are in great demand, especially in public joint-stock companies. Discussion: methodical provisions of internal control of risks of the organization activity are based on identification of the subject of control and its specification by selecting a set of elements and control points. The authors present the target, organizational, informational aspects of the methodology in the context of control points as support units in the content of the control elements. The article proposes the composition and abstract of documents for the formation and summarizing information about risks, in connection with the fact that the control methodology implies documentary provision of control procedures. Results: the methodology of internal risk control of the organization activity has been developed for internal control of the risks of organization activities, which can be integrated into the system of internal regulations of organizations, adjusted for company size, activities, methods of accounting, features of risk management system, and other factors.


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How to Cite
Ендовицкий, Д. А., & Ситникова, С. А. (2018). Methodology of internal risk control of the organization activities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 64-78.