Systematization of information base and main steps of competetive analysis in companies

  • Ирина Валерьевна Полухина Voronezh State University
Keywords: sufficiency of money, effective management of cash flows, money, solvency and economic analysis


Purpose: the submitted article is devoted to problems of the analysis of competitiveness of the commercial organization speaking as a basis of preservation (development) of positions at the market, ensuring stable sales volume from primary activity, financial stability and the important direction of the complex economic analysis. Discussion: in the assumption that stability of all cash flows is inseparably linked with ability of the organization to receive revenue in volume sufficient for implementation of the current, investment and financial activities, and effective innovative development provides the base of future economic prosperity, the author proves the place of the analysis of competitiveness and the maintenance of the directions for creation of more harmonious organization of the analysis taking into account the interested users, terms and the volume of information base. The understanding and competent work in the field of improvement of competitive technologies, qualities of production, services allows to make the weighed and economic decisions in various situation. Results: authors have opened theoretical provisions of the analysis of competitiveness, is systematized information sources and are generalized the regulatory base regarding regulation of the separate companies in the market, the group of economic interests of key groups of users is given. Analysis stages of competitiveness of the organization and finished goods are opened.


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How to Cite
Полухина, И. В. (2018). Systematization of information base and main steps of competetive analysis in companies. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 100-117.