The implementation of the principles of relations development at the labour market in the modern economy

  • Галина Викторовна Голикова Voronezh State University
  • Марина Петровна Мельникова Voronezh branch of RЕU G. V. Plekhanova
  • Ирина Александровна Пургаева Voronezh state technical University
Keywords: principle, labor, labor service, labor force, labor market, unemployment, labor market demand, labor market supply


Purpose: the authors study the implementation possibility of principles for labor market relations development in the national economy. Discussion: the authors assume that the basic postulates of the market economy with its inherent specific system elements and laws are the formation basis of the organization principles and relations development at the labor market. Understanding the essence of labor market relations development in the changing conditions of Russian reality should be perceived in the context of the principles implementation that shape and transform these relations. The principles of any human activity, including economic, are: initial; basis; prerequisite; guiding and dominant idea. The term «principle» means a foundation, a first principle. Central concept is the principle in philosophical science. Results: the authors identified and justified the economic principles of relations functioning at the labor market on the basis of modern reality, namely: the combination principle of universality and voluntary work; the «equal starting opportunities» principle, etc.


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How to Cite
Голикова, Г. В., Мельникова, М. П., & Пургаева, И. А. (2018). The implementation of the principles of relations development at the labour market in the modern economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 64-75.
Labour Economics