The labour market youth: career, competence and the specificity of their receipt in european higher education. A statistical approach to the analysis

  • Ирина Борисовна Дуракова Voronezh State University
Keywords: Europeanization of higher education, youth labor market, competence, career, motives for choosing the educational institution, new generations of employees, Bologna educational convention, ET 2020, internationalization of education


Purpose: the author considers the issues of changing generations in the labor market, employers' representation of young employees and candidates' claims to fill vacant and new vacancies, the possibility of obtaining the necessary competencies in the Europeanization conditions of higher education. Discussion: the author analyzes the implementation experience of the Bologna educational Convention provisions and ET 2020. Many authors cover this issue in the scientific literature, focused on Finance and management of higher education, pedagogy. The research base for conclusions about the features of the phenomenon with respect to specific States, groups of educational institutions in relation to the requirements of employers and ideas about the career of young people – in the process of formation. This fact slows down the work on the diagnosis of modernization areas for emerging models of universities. It is important for subsequent adaptation to Russian conditions. Results: the author systematized the idea of graduate competitiveness in higher education from the standpoint of EQR (European qualifications framework) and the employer's vision, career goals and motives when choosing a job by graduates of higher education institutions, the universities in Germany specifics, the Netherlands and Switzerland. These features allow students to form the required competencies. The author concluded about the game space features of higher education: the scientific research implementation, internationalization and the academic and educational contingents specifics. The author used the statistical analysis methods in this work such as observation, grouping, classification.


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How to Cite
Дуракова, И. Б. (2018). The labour market youth: career, competence and the specificity of their receipt in european higher education. A statistical approach to the analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 16-30.
Labour Economics