Intellectual capital in integrated reporting of corporations

  • Эльвия Мохаммед Али Бурхан Кхудкур Voronezh State University
  • Наталья Глебовна Сапожникова Voronezh State University
Keywords: integrated report, financial capital, intellectual capital, innovation, innovative activity


Purpose: the article deals with the formation and disclosure of information about innovations in integrated reporting (a key aspect of the business), which ensure its competitiveness. Discussion: innovation is part of intellectual capital, one of the six categories of capital identified in the international integrated reporting standard (ISIR). The adoption of the Concept of development of public non-financial reporting [3] and the publication of the draft Federal law «on public non-financial reporting» [2] necessitates the development of creative approaches of systematization of accounting information used in the preparation of internal and external reporting, including integrated. Results: the method of formation and disclosure in the integrated reporting of information on the composition and indicators of use of capital (resources), costs associated with business processes and the results of innovation activities of the Corporation, allowing stakeholders make informed economic decisions.


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How to Cite
Бурхан Кхудкур, Э. М. А., & Сапожникова, Н. Г. (2018). Intellectual capital in integrated reporting of corporations. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 98-105.