The аssessment of the impact of immigration processes on regional employment (on the example of Lipetsk region)

  • Максим Андреевич Новак Lipetsk State Technical University
  • Елена Ивановна Козлова Lipetsk State Technical University
  • Оксана Васильевна Титова Lipetsk State Technical University
Keywords: population growth, population decline, demographic burden on the able-bodied population, migration, internal migration, external migration


Purpose: the article deals with the identification of the impact of external migration processes on the main indicators of the labor market of the Lipetsk region. Discussion: An important indicator of the socio-economic development of the territory is the population, the size and age structure of which determine the employment opportunities in public production. Population dynamics indicates demographic and socio-economic processes taking place in the territory. In the modern world, migration flows actively influence the reproductive processes of the population. Changing the number of population, its age and gender, and professional composition, migration becomes a factor that transforms the process of employment. The nature of the impact does not remain constant, but changes over time. In Russia, since the early 1990s, external migration has made a decisive contribution to the dynamics of the country’s population, almost entirely ensuring its growth. The nature of this impact does not remain constant, but changes over time, which makes it relevant to analyze specific areas of migration flows and their impact over a given period. The article considers the relationship between the dynamics of indicators of external migration and the economically active population in the Lipetsk region in 2014-2017. Results: The results of the research increase the awareness of the authorities in the development of measures to curb the narrowed reproduction regime in the region.


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How to Cite
Новак, М. А., Козлова, Е. И., & Титова, О. В. (2019). The аssessment of the impact of immigration processes on regional employment (on the example of Lipetsk region). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 35-44.
Labour Economics