Features of reflection in accounting and reporting information on expenses on environmental protection activities

  • Мария Вячеславовна Ткачева Voronezh State University
Keywords: environmental management, environmental accounting, expenditure on environmental activities, financial reporting


Purpose: to identify the features of disclosure of information on the reflection of expenditures on environmental activities in the registers of accounting and reporting of an economic entity in order to strengthen its economic security within the framework of the implementation of the state environmental development policy. Discussion: the organization of accounting for environmental expenditures makes it possible to distinguish four levels of regulatory accounting for expenditures on environmental activities, within which significant attention should be paid to the content of the main provisions of the accounting policy, reflecting the peculiarities of accounting for environmental expenditures and conservation obligations. During the formation of the information base of economic analysis and monitoring of environmental performance, it is necessary to involve a large amount of information, including information available to various environmental protection entities. Results: it is shown that the current system of accounting for environmental expenditures is a reliable source for the formation of reliable information about the activities of an economic entity and its competitive advantages as a manufacturer of environmentally friendly products (provision of environmentally good quality services) in terms of planning, monitoring and analyzing environmental expenditures, reducing risk of misrepresenting information about deteriorating financial condition and improving environmental performance economic entity.


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How to Cite
Ткачева, М. В. (2019). Features of reflection in accounting and reporting information on expenses on environmental protection activities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 146-156. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2019.3/2070