Estimation of practice of investment policy strategizing in subjects of the Russian Federation

  • Людмила Александровна Козуб Voronezh State University
  • Игорь Ефимович Рисин Voronezh State University
Keywords: socio-economic development, investment policy strategizing, strategic planning


Purpose: to give a qualitative assessment of the modern practice of investment policy strategizing in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Discussion: to assess the current practice of strategizing regional investment policy, an author's methodical approach has been proposed, which includes: (1) determining the directions, tasks and expected effects of the named policy, forms and tools for managing its implementation; (2) the interrelated application of content analysis and benchmarking methods; (3) the use of an information base that includes updated strategies for the socio-economic development of regions. Results: regions identified were advanced in the practice of strategizing key areas, expected effects, and a mechanism for managing the development of investment activities, which will expand the possibilities for solving the tasks of its intensification and expansion in the spatial economy of Russia. The strengths and weaknesses of the regional practice of investment policy strategizing have been identified, which are taken into account in justifying effective measures designed to improve the processes of its development and implementation.


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How to Cite
Козуб, Л. А., & Рисин, И. Е. (2019). Estimation of practice of investment policy strategizing in subjects of the Russian Federation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 157-168.
Regional Economics