The impact of personnel potential for the investment potential in tourism

  • Наталья Сергеевна Сушкова Voronezh State University
Keywords: economy of tourism, personnel, investment potential


Purpose: to analyze of the tourist market in the Russian Federation and the proposed options for the impact on the personnel and investment attractiveness. The analysis of problems and prospects of investment activity is carried out. A direct relationship of the influence of the professional level of specialists on the development of the industry as a whole is built. The dynamics of the tourism market and its prospects in the next ten years are studied. Discussion: the аuthor presents an analysis of the impact of human resources associated with the irreversible growth of the industry in recent years, the investment activity of tourism. The question of the need to improve specialists according to market conditions to increase the flow of capital, both in the regions and in individual companies. Results: The stages of personnel policy of the tourist enterprise are offered in the work. The introduction of the latter at the tourism enterprises confirmed the possibility of practical use to increase the investment attractiveness of the object.


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How to Cite
Сушкова, Н. С. (2019). The impact of personnel potential for the investment potential in tourism. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 78-87.
Labour Economics