Applied approaches to optimization of the values of receivables and payables in the group of companies

  • Ольга Михайловна Купрюшина Voronezh State University
Keywords: accounts receivable, accounts payable, optimization, group of companies


Purpose: the article deals with the issue related to the need of adjustment of the allowable levels of accounts receivable and payable in accordance with the financial plan and sales budget, taking into account the specifics of the group of companies. Discussion: to solve this problem, the author proposes to make adjustments that provide an idea of the approximate proportions of quantities in future periods. Results: the author proposes to adjust the limits of receivables and payables, taking into account the cost of opportunity costs to attract additional sources of financing in accordance with the current interest rate for the use of them. The application of the author's developments will allow the management of the group of companies to maintain an acceptable level of financial stability of the companies individually and the group of companies as a whole, as well as to reduce the amount of additional attracted resources. In addition, it is possible in conjunction with the business plans for the subsequent periods of formation of the forecast value of receivables and payables based on the actual and optimal values of previous periods.


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How to Cite
Купрюшина, О. М. (2019). Applied approaches to optimization of the values of receivables and payables in the group of companies. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 115-124.